Deputy Superintendent Dr. TJ McCray Announcement
Dr. Timothy “TJ” McCray is an experienced educational leader, who is skilled in learning management, educational technology, instructional design, public speaking, and curriculum development. Dr. McCray’s overall experience and core beliefs have been guided by the prioritization of servant leaderships, honest communication, building of meaningful relationships, and his overall love for education.
Dr. McCray has served the Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD) since 2017. His most recent role with the district was Associate Superintendent of Technology, where he primarily ensured students had access to technology to allow them to be future-ready as well as supported district librarians in their efforts to create and maintain diverse and culturally inclusive school libraries. In addition to this work, Dr. McCray served as the author of the district’s Instructional Continuity Plan, which helped to transition the traditional classroom teacher to the virtual learning environment during the COVID-19 pandemic. Over the last two years, Dr. McCray has been charged with developing and leading the Madison Promise Online Program for MMSD.
Dr. McCray earned a Bachelor of Arts in Communication and a Bachelor of Arts in English from Prairie View A & M University, in Houston, TX. He then received his Masters of Arts in Rhetoric and Intercultural Communication from Howard University, in Washington, DC. During his tenure at Howard, Dr. McCray was introduced to TeachForAmerica, where his new passion for life, education, was discovered. While teaching in the inner city of Houston, Texas, he attended the University of Houston-Clear Lake, where he received his second master’s degree in Educational Management. He later earned his doctorate of education from City University of Seattle.
Dr. McCray hopes and desires to one day open a boarding school for African-American and Hispanic males, as he believes this population is underserved. He also hopes to one day become the Superintendent of an urban school district and, eventually, the Secretary of Education for the United States.
Socially, Dr. McCray holds a lifetime membership in Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc., serving at both local and national levels. If he is not working, he spends time with his family attending concerts, cooking, taking photos, traveling to new destinations, and spending time with his husband and eleven year old son, Tyce, whom has become his guiding star.